Title: ABRSM – Musical Achievement

What was the brief?

Delivering over 65,0000 music exams and assessments every year in 93 countries, the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM) commissioned us to produce a new brand film for them that would inspire musical achievement in prospective students and make its offering and values more visible to the wider public.

How did we approach the brief?

We pitched a concept that would truly celebrate the inclusivity of the organisation and show that anyone can develop a passion for music. We invited an ensemble of over 60 ABRSM associated musicians, including students and teachers, from a wide variety of backgrounds to our central London studios. We filmed the musicians as they tuned up and warmed up, before capturing them performing a song originally composed for ABRSM.

ABRSM chose for the ensemble to play “Shine”, composed specifically for the organisation by Mark Armstrong. We used text graphics to communicate key messages rather than interrupting the flow of the music.

We also provided ABRSM with 3 additional social films, each featuring the story of one of the musicians from the ensemble. Each featured musician had an individual film made about them to create a series that would inspire musicians all over the UK. These films communicated how these musicians’ careers have been influenced and inspired by ABRSM.

We also produced a behind-the-scenes film that really shows the energy and enthusiasm from everyone with us on set.


The film proved very successful, winning Platinum at the Dotcom Awards in the category of Educational Institution.