Title: Money Matters Animations

Delivery: 3 online films

Talent: Creative, scriptwriting, storyboard, animation, voice-over, post-production


What was the brief?

Queen Mary University of London is a leader in research and teaching, as we at Maia Films well know. After all, we were the university video production company chosen to create a six-part series chronicling some of the university’s innovative research projects.

However as well as being part of the Russell Group, Queen Mary also has a proud history of making its educational provision as widely available as possible.

Many of its students are first-generation scholars, often hailing from the local area. This heritage instils an added sense of responsibility in Queen Mary when it comes to providing financial support and advice to its students. As such, it recently decided to create a new series of online animations on the sometimes thorny topic of university finance.

How did we approach the brief?

The aim was to convey the most important facts to this year’s intake of new students, and bust a few myths in the process. Following a successful pitch, Maia Films was chosen to create the animations.

Our concept was to use a circular disc as a central ‘pivot’, allowing for a fast-paced, highly fluid narrative. The imagery was designed to be fun and appealing. The narration was kept straightforward and friendly, in order that as much information as possible could be dispensed within the quick-fire runtime.


The videos in the series have been launched online. They are titled ‘Introduction to Student Finance’, ‘Budget Planning’ and ‘Financial Hardship Advice’.